Moses in the Cradle

The Moses in the Cradle (Tradescantia spathacea), also known as Oyster Plant or Boat Lily, is a striking houseplant with vibrant purple and green leaves.


  • Bright, indirect light is ideal.

  • Can tolerate some direct sunlight but avoid harsh afternoon rays.

  • Can adapt to lower light conditions, though colors may fade.


  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry before watering.

  • Water thoroughly, letting excess drain—do not let the plant sit in water.

  • Reduce watering in fall and winter when growth slows.


  • Ideal temperature: 60–85°F.

  • Protect from temperatures below 50°F.

  • Keep away from drafts, heaters, and air conditioners.


  • Feed during the growing season (spring–summer).

  • Use a diluted balanced liquid fertilizer (10-10-10) once a month.

  • Reduce or stop feeding in fall and winter.