Philo Melanochrysum

Philodendron Melanochrysum (Philodendron melanochrysum) is a striking tropical plant known for its elongated, velvety, dark green leaves with golden veins. It’s a climbing philodendron that thrives with proper support and humidity.


  • Thrives in bright, indirect light.

  • Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the delicate leaves.

  • Low light can cause slow growth and smaller leaves.


  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry before watering.

  • Water thoroughly, ensuring excess water drains out—avoid waterlogging.

  • Reduce watering in fall and winter when growth slows.


  • Ideal temperature: 65–85°F.

  • Cannot tolerate temperatures below 55°F.

  • Keep away from cold drafts, heaters, and air conditioners.


  • Feed during the growing season (spring–summer) with a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks.

  • Avoid over-fertilizing to prevent root and leaf damage.

  • Do not fertilize in fall and winter when growth slows.